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When travelling on business many workers will take a number of gadgets with them that are company-owned such as laptops, mobile phones and pdas.
Business Gadget Insurance is becoming more popular as, for many firms, the value of the company's mobiles, laptops or pcs often represents a high proportion of the assets of the firm. Having specialist insurance to cover these items makes sense as it can protect your company insurance claims record, and normally means your gadgets are replaced quicker than they would be if you had to go through the normal claims procedures on your business insurance policy.
Other advantages include the ability to tailor policies around your company's needs - including loss cover for maximum protection or excluding it to keep premiums low.
Some companies offer multi-gadget discounts meaning the more items you insure the more you save.
Worldwide cover means you can ensure your business gadgets are covered wherever you are.
When comparing the business gadget insurance policies above, be aware of the age requirements for your possessions - it may be that you will only be able to insure a few of your current items now but, as your business buys replacement items, you will be able to add them to your policy.
The companies will, when it comes to a claim, require a copy of the original purchase receipt for the item to show it was bought from new and its age.