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Critical Illness Insurance for Diabetics

Which insurers will offer Critical Illness cover when you have diabetes?

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What is Critical Illness Cover?

Critical Illness Cover will pay out a lump sum of money should you be diagnosed with a serious illness. Which illnesses are covered will depend on the policy you have chosen. Most will cover heart attacks, strokes and some forms of cancer.

Can I get Critical Illness Cover if I have Type 2 Diabetes?

Type 2 is the more common form of diabetes with more than 4 million people living with it in the UK. Finding critical illness cover when you have a pre-existing diagnosis for Type 2 diabetes can be difficult but not impossible. By using our expert partner you can fast track to find policies that can cover you. With access to policies from many leading insurers they specialise in finding the right policy to suit your individual needs. If you have your Type 2 diabetes under control, then you are more likely to be able to get Critical Illness Cover.

If I already have Type 1 Diabetes can I still buy Critical Illness Cover?

With Type 1 diabetes you are more at risk of serious illness and your life expectancy may be lower. Critical Illness Cover can still be bought when you have had a diabetes diagnosis. This may be purchased with an exclusion so that you are covered for the medical conditions listed on your policy but not for any that are related to your diabetes. Talk to our partner who is an expert in Critical Illness and you can save yourself time and effort on your search.

Just click on the Green Button above, enter a few details and your search for Diabetes Critical Illness Cover can get started.

Should I get Critical Illness Cover when I have Diabetes?

Life Insurance can pay out a lump sum or regular payments following a death but Critical Illness will ensure you and your family are supported should you, for example, be diagnosed with cancer. Critical Illness Cover is another way of ensuring that you and your loved ones are able to cope financially at a very difficult time. You may be able to combine life insurance with critical illness protection.

Will Critical Illness Cover cost more if I have Diabetes?

Much will depend on your general health, how long ago you were diagnosed, which medications you are taking and how well your diabetes is controlled. Premiums may be higher as a result of your medical condition but there are many factors that are taken into account.

If you are looking for critical illness cover, life insurance or both, our partner can help. By talking your situation through with them, they can put you on the path to getting the right cover all with no fee and with no obligation to buy. We can arrange for our partners to get in touch and get you started. Just click on the link below.

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We can also help with your travel insurance.for diabetics We have insurers on our page who specialise in providing travel insurance policies when you have a pre-existing medical condition such as diabetes.

LifeSearch. our expert partner, are one of the UK's largest life assurance brokers. They can work with leading insurers to find you cover. These companies include AIG, Aviva, British Friendly, Legal & General, LV=, Royal London, The Exeter, Vitality, Scottish Widows, National Friendly, Shepherds Friendly, Cirencester, Holloway, Guardian and Zurich. Like MoneyMaxim, they are regulated and authorised by the FCA,. They offer a guarantee to get you the right cover at the most competitive premium possible. There are no fees for this service and there is no obligation to purchase.