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Van Insurance

Van Insurance from Moneymaxim - compare fast - and get a £20 Amazon Voucher if you buy*

Recovery Vehicle Insurance

Recovery Truck Insurance - single trucks to multi-vehicle fleets. Find tow truck insurance quotes fast

Taxi Insurance

Looking for Taxi Insurance? Find cab insurance quotes at low prices with our specialised service.

dashboard of private hire car with insurance

Private Hire Insurance

Need Private Hire Insurance? Find insurance quotes at low prices quickly with our tailored service.

Business Vehicle Insurance

Get Business Vehicle Insurance Quotes

Your van, car or truck may be a crucial element of your business. Insuring that vehicle may ensure your business can still function. We have insurers who can cover vehicles from smaller cars through to tipper trucks and ice cream vans.
Whatever your line of work, we can help point you in the right direction. Compare quotes to cover your vehicle and keep your business moving!