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Van Insurance which can cover longer trips to Europe

Cheap van insurance offering good cover for driving in Europe. Find van insurers that cover more than a month in Europe.

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With most standard van insurance policies, if you are provided with EU cover, you are usually only covered for the basic minimum. This minimum is often just third-party cover, so any damage to your own van would not be covered. In order to have the same level of insurance as you would while driving in the UK, you need to make sure your van insurance policy has adequate cover for driving in Europe.

Our van insurance comparison service has several insurers who provide full cover for trips into Europe - and a number will cover you for trips of up to 3 months.

Run a quote and look for the companies listed below who will, in most circumstances, offer good cover for driving a van in the EU. Cover may be extended to countries outside the EU but please check individual policies for details.

Company Max Stay Replacement Vehicle* Breakdown Cover Other Benefits
Hastings 90 days optional optional Optional hire van cover
Admiral 90 days optional optional Optional vehicle contents cover up to £6000
Zenith 90 days optional optional Optional Tools in Transit cover up to £5000
Gladiator 90 days optional optional Optional vehicle contents cover up to £6000
Churchill 30 days optional optional Repairs guaranteed for 5 years when using approved retailer
Budget 30 days optional optional Cost of excess can be refunded under Uninsured Driver Promise
Dialdirect 30 days optional 28 day or 60 day RAC UK cover standard but EU cover optional Optional tool and van contents cover up £5000 plus up to £10,000 for additional expenses

*Most insurance policies include a courtesy vehicle (subject to availability) whilst your van is being repaired. However, a replacement vehicle if your van is stolen or written off rarely comes as standard with a van insurance policy.

Drive Safely Abroad

The rules of the road can vary from country to country so we always suggest reading up on the local driving regulations before you set off on your travels – especially as some countries insist on various items being in the vehicle such as reflective jackets. Consider how long you intend to be abroad as all countries have a time limit after which your van will be required to be taxed, insured and MOT'd in that country.

The UK is now part of the Green Card Free Circulation Area which means that you do not need a green card to drive within the EU, or Andorra, Bosnia Herzegovina, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland or Serbia. It is recommended that you take proof of your van insurance with you when you travel and that you are abiding by the driving rules of the country you are in.

Remember also that when in most countries abroad you need to have your driving licence with you whilst behind the wheel.

Need temporary van insurance for European travel?

TempCover can - depending on your circumstances - offer comprehensive short term van insurance for European driving for up to 28 days (be aware that most other short term insurers will only provide minimal cover).

This information is based on journalistic investigation and research at the time of going to press as a service to our readers. It does not offer either financial, legal or any other advice that should be followed without your own enquiries. Any information should be considered in regard to specific circumstances. Any suggestions followed up are done so at your own risk and your own research is key.

Image courtesy of: Pixabay