Car Insurance with Dashcams Compared
Car Insurance with Dashcams Compared
Compare Car Insurance policies with dashcam discounts.You may save money off your insurance premium if you have a dashcam installed

Why do Car Insurers offer discounts for Dashcam users
Very simply a dashcam video makes it easier for car insurers to defend claims against people who insure with them. It provides real evidence in 'Cash for Crash' claims where another driver deliberately initiates a crash only to claim substantial personal injuries have been caused (these cost the insurance industry around £1billion every year). It can also prevent long drawn out debates as to which driver is responsible for an accident.
So it saves them both administration and claim costs, which they can then pass on to their policyholders.
Benefits of a dashcam
Can be used to prove an accident wasn't your fault. Particularly useful in 'crash for cash' scams which cost the insurance industry around £1billion every year
Claims can be settled faster saving unnecessary hassle
Proving your innocence can help you maintain your no-claims bonus
It can also mean you get back your excess payment
They help to reduce fraud in the insurance industry
Some dashcams have motion detectors so, if someone vandalises or bumps into your car in a car park, they may be caught on camera
If another person uses your car, a dashcam can help you track how well they are driving
And, if you are teaching someone to drive, you can help by reviewing their practice with them
If you drive for a living, accidents can be more commonplace. Proving you were not at fault with dashcam evidence can protect your livelihood
According to, all 29 of the UK's leading insurers would now consider footage in a claims process
Lastly, if you are on a road trip taking in the beautiful scenery, some dashcams allow you to transfer your video onto a PC or MAC
Requirements for the dashcam discount
The dashcam must be installed before you take out the insurance. Companies prefer it to be professionally installed but you can do it yourself.
The dashcam must record a video of the road ahead on every journey (Most dashcams operate on a loop so once it reaches the end of a cycle it rerecords over the oldest footage)
Mobile phone apps are usually not acceptable for the discount as the video is considered unreliable.
If the dashcam comes with a screen, this must be folded away while you are driving
In the event of an accident, the insurance company will ask for the video of the event. Occasionally some firms may ask for other videos to confirm your dashcam is working correctly.
- Save when you have a dashcam installed
- Not available through comparison websites
- You will be asked if you have a dashcam installed on application

Adrian Flux
- Save up to 15% if you have a dashcam installed
- Call to get the best possible rates
- Freephone 0800 181 4542