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Prestige Car Insurance

Prestige Car Insurance needed? Find quotes at very ordinary prices for some very out of the ordinary cars.

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The panel of prestige car insurers we have partnered with specialise in cars ranging from Bugattis to Bentleys, Ferraris to Rolls Royce and Mercedes to Lamborghinis. In fact any vehicle that is out of the reach of most motorists!

We specialise in car insurance for special cars, where you will be expecting extra features, possibly a defined value for your vehicle or repairs to be carried out at a dealer of your choosing rather than the firm your insurers prefer. Prestige Car Insurance is all about finding insurers who talk your language and, whilst there are many out there, you cannot easily identify those who specialise in the market through a comparison service alone.

So let us get you talking to the right companies now. We will identify from around 9 insurers and brokers which are most likely to best suit you - according to a number of factors including your profession, the value of your vehicle, your mileage and how you use your car - and get the right companies in touch with you!

You will be pleasantly surprised how finding appropriate companies makes a world of difference when it comes to your insurance search!

You could be the proud owner of your first prestige car or have a garage full of high performance vehicles, but whichever, the panel of trusted, specialist insurers can build a tailored insurance policy around your specific needs. This ensures you are not only rest assured that you have really comprehensive cover, but that the competition between our panel members has meant your policy is great value - and most importantly the right one - as well.

Policies can be arranged through the highly experienced firms on the panel to cover you on an individual basis, for your family or a group of named individuals. Policies can take into account your driving habits, whether you only use your car at weekends or for commuting, track use or purely for normal road driving.

We have both direct insurers and brokers on our panel. This means you can be sure of a really wide choice including firms that you would never find on a comparison website.

What our Experts say

"When you invest in a luxury car you want to keep it in the best condition and repairs after an accident can be costly.

Couple with the increased risk of theft, it makes finding good prestige car insurance a must.

Mark Bower Moneymaxim Insurance Expert

In order that you get the most competitive premium for your prestige car, do consider whether you are likely to require any of the following features. If you don't, it can make your premium cheaper, but of course the benefits can be very worthwhile should you need to claim:

  • Preagreed Valuations - Each vehicle value is agreed when the policy is set up so you know that, in the event of a loss, it will be that value and not market value which will be used to reimburse you.
  • Any Car Cover - an advantage of driving a premium car is that it costs relatively little to add 'any car' cover to your policy
  • You can choose a repairer - many car insurance policies nowadays are priced on the basis of using an insurer's 'approved repairer' with preset labour costs to a maximum of say £28 p.h. using only 'insurer approved parts'. Not what you really want with your pride and joy. Specialist insurance means you call the shots and can insist on your repairer and the use of manufacturer's own parts.
  • Like for like courtesy vehicle should your car be an insured loss - don't end up in a Fiat Panda!
  • Uninsured loss recovery service, including comprehensive legal expenses cover

This service is operated on our behalf by Seopa Limited.