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Supplier Failure Insurance

Relax when travelling knowing that you're covered if a company you depend on goes into liquidation or becomes insolvent.

Supplier Failure Insurance

One worry often voiced by independent travellers is that their airline, car rental company, hotel company or villa firm could go into liquidation or become insolvent, leaving holidaymakers without a holiday and out of pocket. Package holidays already include cover for everything booked as part of the package, but those booking elements separately do not get this cover.

There are, however, ways of protecting this risk - some insurance companies, such as Coverwise, CoverForYou and the Post Office either include SAFI (Scheduled Airline Failure Insurance) or offer extra protection options, although it's fair to say that most don't.

A policy that offers End Supplier Failure cover usually enables holidaymakers to cover the following elements against insolvency before or after departure of any travel arrangements booked in the United Kingdom, Channel Islands, Isle of Man and the Republic of Ireland, not forming part of an inclusive holiday and not bonded or insured elsewhere.

These would include:

  • Scheduled airlines
  • Hotels
  • Youth Hostels
  • Car ferries
  • Villas abroad & cottages in the United Kingdom, Channel Islands, Isle of Man and the Republic of Ireland
  • Railway journeys (including the Eurostar)
  • Coach journeys
  • Car hire
  • Caravan sites / camp-sites / mobile homes
  • Camper rental
  • Euro tunnel
  • Theme parks, such as Disneyland Paris.

You are not covered for the insolvency of:

  • The Travel Agent
  • The Tour Operator
  • The Booking Agent (unless listed)
  • The Consolidator.

Tour operators and travel agents are often covered by other protection such as through ABTA.

As always check the terms and conditions of any insurance product before purchase to make sure that it is suitable for you. In general, if you are using any middle men or brokers to arrange your holiday, the policies described in this article will not provide cover.

This is a brief summary of the type of cover given, however we recommend you refer to the full certificate and policy wording on the company's website.

Post Office

  • End Supplier Failure cover available with Standard and Premier policies. Standard cover up to £3000 and Premier up to £5000
  • Winter Sports and Cruise cover upgrades available
  • Optional Gadget Cover add-on
Post Office


  • 3 different levels of cover
  • Scheduled Airline Failure cover with all three levels up to £2500
  • End Supplier Failure cover with Platinum policy up to £2500
Cover For you


  • Policies available which can cover a wide range of pre-existing medical conditions
  • Optional ski cover
  • Platinum policies provide cover for Scheduled airline failure as standard.