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Car Hire Excess Insurance FAQs

Get the answer to every question you may have regarding car hire excess insurance

Are other people travelling with me covered ?
Are other people travelling with me in my hire car covered?
Can a hire company refuse to accept a car hire excess policy?
Can I buy car hire excess insurance if I am under 21 years old?
Can I buy car hire excess insurance when I am not in the UK?
Can I cover two or more lead drivers on one policy?
Can I get car hire excess insurance to cover business use?
Can I get excess insurance for a pickup truck?
Can I just buy an insurance policy, or do I need specific dates to be able to buy my insurance?
Can I purchase your Excess Policies if I am not a resident of the UK?
Can I use car hire excess insurance to cover peer-to-peer hires?
Comprehensive Insurance on Rental Car - How to Make Sure You are Fully Covered
Do I have to have Excess Cover?
Do I have to pay an excess if I buy a car hire excess insurance?
Do I need car hire cancellation insurance?
Do I need Car Hire Excess Insurance when I rent a car?
Do I need to buy a second excess insurance policy for an additional driver?
Do I still have to provide my credit card for the excess on my hire car when purchasing a policy from you?
Do Worldwide Excess Insurance Policies cover you everywhere in the world?
Does Car Hire Excess mean I wouldn't have to pay for anything?
Does deductibles mean the same as excess?
Does Excess Insurance cover Bodywork Claims?
Does my car rental agreement already include insurance?
Does Sixt include CDW in its car hire packages?
Excess Insurance covers the under-body, roof and tyres but does it cover me if I have an accident?
How are Car Hire Excess Insurance Claims handled?
How are worldwide policy claims handled?
How do I know what the excess limit is for my hire car?
How do I make a Claim on my Excess Insurance?
How does your car hire excess insurance work?
How far in advance can I buy car hire excess insurance?
How good are these companies at settling claims?
How large does my excess insurance limit need to be?
In which countries is Excess/Super CDW charged?
In which countries is Excess/Super CDW not charged?
Is damage to windows and tyres covered?
Is the price displayed a daily or total cost?
Key Replacement Insurance - What is it and and do I need it?
Make Sure Your Car Hire Insurance Claim is Valid
My car hire is for 31 days. Should I take a daily 31 day car hire excess insurance policy or an annual policy?
My hire company offers Super CDW or Excess cover? What is this?
National Car Hire - are their Super Cover collision damage waiver excess policies a good deal?
No Excess Car Hire - What does this include?
Should I buy an annual Car Hire Excess Insurance policy or single trip policy for my upcoming hire car?
Super CDW, Deductible or Non Waiver - Terms Explained
Super CDW, Deductibles and Non Waiver - What do they mean?
What are the advantages of buying annual car hire excess insurance?
What are the age limits on Car Hire Insurance policies? Are policies available for those over 85?
What are the restrictions on the Annual Excess Policies?
What are the age limits on Car Hire Insurance policies? Are policies available for those over 85?
What cars are covered by car hire insurance?
What Countries are designated European for Excess Insurance?
What Cover does Car Hire Insurance provide for Carjacking and Road Rage?
What Cover does Car Hire Insurance provide for Curtailment or Restitution?
What Cover is Provided by Car Hire Excess Cancellation Insurance?
What do you mean by annual policy? Can I use it throughout the year?
What do zero excess car hire insurance policies offer?
What Does All Inclusive Car Hire Insurance Cover?
What does Daily Car Hire Excess Insurance mean?
What does towing cover on car hire excess insurance include and how does it work
What if I am unable to open my MoneyMaxim email with my car hire or car hire excess insurance quotes on?
What if I have a problem printing or downloading the car hire insurance document?
What if I need a policy to cover two groups?
What insurance policies are offered by Auto Europe?
What insurance policies are offered by Budget?
What insurance policies are offered by Car Hire Brokers? And are they a good deal?
What insurance policies are offered by Dollar?
What insurance policies are offered by Economy Car Rentals?
What insurance policies are offered by Enterprise?
What insurance policies are offered by Hertz?
What insurance policies are offered by No Excess Zest Car Rental?
What insurance policies are offered by Sixt?
What insurance policies are offered by Thrifty?
What insurance policies do Alamo offer?
What is an Annual Car Hire Excess Insurance Policy?
What is an Excess on a Car Hire and what are my responsibilities for it?
What is Avis Insurance Cover like? Do they have CDW, Liability and Excess Waiver Cover?
What is Covered by Baggage and Personal Accident Cover?
What is European Car Hire Excess Insurance?
What is Excess Waiver Insurance?
What is Lock Out Cover? Do I need it?
What is Personal Accident Insurance (PAI) and do I need it?
What is Personal Effects Cover (PEC) and do I need it?
What kinds of vehicles can you be covered for by an excess insurance policy?
When is the best time to get Excess Insurance?
Which car hire excess insurance policy is best for car rental in Canada?
Which car hire excess insurance policy is best for car rental in France?
Which car hire excess insurance policy is best for car rental in Iceland?
Which car hire excess insurance policy is best for car rental in Ireland?
Which car hire excess insurance policy is best for car rental in Italy?
Which car hire excess insurance policy is best for car rental in Portugal?
Which car hire excess insurance policy is best for UK car rental?
Which car hire excess insurance policy will cover you best in Spain?
Which insurance do I need for my car hire?
Why are there restrictions on UK usage?
Will a car hire accident claim affect my car no claims bonus?
Will car hire insurance cover me if I pick the car up at one location and return it to another?
Will car rental firms preauthorise on my credit card when I have car hire excess insurance?