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It is estimated that around 90% of diabetes cases worldwide are Type 2 and there are around 4.5 million people living with it in the UK. Type 2 was previously referred to as non-insulin-dependent diabetes or adult-onset diabetes as it usually surfaced during adulthood. Nowadays it is more and more common in younger people.
Type 2 diabetes can often be controlled through diet and exercise but it may also lead to more serious health conditions over time and this is when life insurance can help to protect your family should your or your loved one's health decline.
Yes! We offer a service through our expert partners which can find you Life Insurance which will cover those who have had a diabetes diagnosis. They can let you know about specialist policies as well as inform you of their various benefits and what you may want to consider when you are taking out a life insurance policy.
Life Insurance can pay out a lump sum or regular payments following a death. This can help your family at a time when they are most in need of support. Coping with the loss of a loved is extremely difficult for everyone but leaving your family financially supported may give you some comfort.
Premiums may be higher as a result of your medical condition but there are many factors that are taken into account so do not presume that there is an automatic hike in the cost of your life insurance. How well your diabetes is controlled, how long ago you were diagnosed and your all round health can play a part in how your premiums are calculated.
Almost all applications for life insurance when you have diabetes will require some medical screening. They will most likely need the following information:
If you are looking for life insurance and would like some expert help, we can arrange for our partners to get in touch and get you started. Just click on the link below.
Going on holiday? We can also assist with your travel insurance. We can put you in touch with insurers who are happy to help you when you have a pre-existing medical condition such as diabetes.
LifeSearch. our expert partner, are one of the UK's largest life assurance brokers. They can draw on their expertise to find you cover from a range of companies including AIG, Aviva, British Friendly, Legal & General, LV=, Royal London, The Exeter, Vitality, Scottish Widows, National Friendly, Shepherds Friendly, Cirencester, Holloway, Guardian and Zurich. Like MoneyMaxim, they are regulated and authorised by the FCA,. They offer a guarantee to get you the right cover at the most competitive premium possible all fee free and with no obligation.