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Pet and Equine (Horse) Insurance - Voucher Codes and Discounts

Use our discount and voucher codes to save money on Pet Insurance or Equine Insurance. Cover your animals from cat and dogs to horses.

Needing Pet Insurance? Want to cover other animals such as horses? Want to pay less? Use our fantastic voucher codes and discounts to get a great deal from our featured insurers. Our pets are part of the family so you don’t need to scrimp on making sure they are fully covered. With money off pet and equine insurance premiums you can either enjoy the savings – or grow your family of animals!

With both money off discounts, voucher codes or free periods of insurance we have plenty of money saving ways for you to get insurance for your pets and animals.

Vouchers and discount codes will be shown below when available

Up to 30% discount when buying The Insurance Emporium Horse insurance

Save up to 30% when you buy The Insurance Emporium Horse Insurance

20% Introductory Discount for new customers, and 10% discount if you insure two or more horses through one of the countries most established equine insurers. Click our link to access this offer. See The Insurance Emporium website for full details of the discounts.
Insurance Emporium

Up to 10% discount when you buy The Insurance Emporium Cat insurance using our direct links

Save up to 10% when you buy The Insurance Emporium Cat Insurance

10% discount when you insure your cat and one or more other pets. Click our link to access this offer. See The Insurance Emporium website for full details of the offer.
Insurance Emporium

Up to 10% discount when you buy The Insurance Emporium Dog insurance using our link

Save up to 10% when you buy The Insurance Emporium Dog Insurance

10% discount when you insure your dog and one or more other pets. Available through our link. See The Insurance Emporium website for full details of the offer.
Insurance Emporium

John Lewis Pet Insurance

John Lewis Pet Insurance now comes with the following benefits included as standard:
  • Lifetime cover**
  • VetfoneTM helpline - 24 hour advice from veterinary nurses
  • Behavioural treatment
  • Tenants improvements
  • Treatment food
  • Complementary treatment - including physiotherapy
  • Third party liability (dogs only)
  • Cattery cover (cats only)
Get your insurance by clicking through today!
(Further details are detailed on the John Lewis Insurance website)
*Cover forms part of vet fees **As long as you renew your policy with John Lewis and there is no break in cover.