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Student Car Insurance

Find cheap student car insurance quotations through our comparison service.

Car Insurance Quotes

We want to assist you in finding the right insurance for you at a competitive price. Using our car insurance comparison service is simple and saves you wasting time by contacting insurance companies individually only to find they can't help.

We have selected a car insurance comparison service provider as we believe it delivers a better level of service for you. We are aware it asks a few more questions than some but with good reason. More questions means fewer assumptions are made. In turn then, the quote you get is more accurate and less likely to alter when you confirm your details on an insurer's site.

The service is provided through our partner company Quotezone, which comes with the added advantage that you can always call and discuss your application with the friendly customer service team here at MoneyMaxim via the telephone number listed below.

Our service offers access to more than 90 leading insurers and brokers so that you can be sure you get a great car insurance comparison. Using the details you have provided, the quotes are tailor-made to suit you.

The prices quoted should also have an excess that does not differ greatly to that you have requested. We have seen this practice happen elsewhere - and it's true that, by having a much higher excess, the headline price may come down - but if that's not what you requested we don't think that's right.

Sometimes we have to - as occasionally insurers will only offer insurance with a high excess - this especially applies to younger drivers and those with a poorer driving history - but, where we can avoid it, we strive to.

Student car insurance works well if you are considering taking your car to university or have a car at home which you drive often. If, however, you need insurance for only short visits home you may like to consider short term car insurance.

If you are a relatively new driver looking for car insurance or in fact a learner driver we can help you find the car insurance you require too.

Any Queries? Call us! Unlike other comparison sites we have people to help just a phone call away. Just ring us on 0118 321 8197. We'll be delighted to help.