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Student Gadget Insurance

Get cover while at university with insurance for your phone, tablet or ipad. We detail insurers who can cover your iphone while you are at uni

hand holding mobile phone over tablet keyboard

Compare your options for student gadget insurance

The vast majority of students will be going off to university with at least a mobile phone. Many more will also have at least one other gadget such as a tablet, ipad or laptop computer. When you are reliant on your gadget for your university work as well as staying in touch with family and friends, having a good gadget insurance can insure that, should the worst happen, you will not be without your phone or tablet for too long.

You may have insurance for possessions included with your halls of residence but often this does not cover your more expensive items such as your laptop or mobile phone. You can take out separate gadget insurance to cover these.

Universities rely more and more on the internet for all of their courses - from online teaching to emailing students with course information. Students need access to their timetables, university information such as library access and most coursework is submitted online. It is very hard to be a student in 2024 without having access to a computer of some description.

The days where our mobile phone was just for calling people are long gone. Your phone can store coursework details, gig tickets, your emails, your music as well as your precious photos. With mobile phones having greater capability, they are also becoming more expensive to replace if they are damaged.

Many people no longer leave home with a bank card, instead relying on payment methods over their phone. If you lose your phone or it is stolen, it can be a real headache. With mobile phone insurance in place, you can protect yourself against unauthorised usage as well as ensuring that you can get a replacement as soon as possible.

Many students will also want to take a break overseas and the good news is that there is a good selection of gadget insurers who can also cover your gadgets if you take them away on holiday or on a field trip abroad. If you have a longer trip planned then you may want to look at those insurers who can cover you for the time you are out of the UK.

CompanyProductAccidental DamageNumber of ClaimsNumber of ReplacementsDiscount for Multiple GadgetsUnauthorised UseWorldwide CoverMore Info
ProtectYourBubbleGadget InsuranceYes22Yes£10,000UnlimitedFind out more...
Cover4InsuranceEssentials InsuranceYes2UnlimitedNo£25060Find out more...
LoveitCoveritGadget InsuranceYesUnlimitedUnlimitedYes£10,000Unlimited*Find out more...

*provided the gadget was purchased within the UK

Switched On InsuranceGadget InsuranceYesUnlimitedUnlimitedYes£2500*120Find out more...

*with their Ultimate Cover


  • 2 Levels of cover
  • Accidental damage included
  • Up to 45 days of worldwide cover
  • Unauthorised use covered up to £250 per item
  • Specialist student insurer
  • Dedicated phone line 0844 826 2044 (Quote MAXI)


  • 10% discount when covering 2 or more gadgets
  • Accidental Damage included as standard
  • Unlimited claims
  • Unlimited worldwide claims if the gadget was purchased in the UK
  • 2 cover levels
  • Airtime abuse covered up to £10,000

Protect Your Bubble

  • 20% discount when insuring a phone purchased in the last 30 days
  • Unlimited repairs
  • 2 replacement items per year
  • Cover for unauthorised network charges up to £10,000
  • 15% discount when you register with Student Beans
  • Worldwide cover for theft, damage and mechanical breakdown