Student Insurance for those Living at Home
Even if you are living at home its a good idea to have insurance while at Uni. Compare Student Insurance policies covering course fees, loaned books and materials, and items you will be taking to and from Uni with you such as laptops, gadgets and phones. From under £1.50 a month

Find Student Insurance designed for those Living at Home
Before deciding whether you need specialist insurance its worth checking whether you have cover under any home insurance the parents have. You might need to check the cover you get and the limits, but possessions such as laptops and phones can often be covered both at home and when you are on the move through a home insurance policy.
However there are two reasons you might decide that specialist student insurance is a better bet.
Firstly it offers cover for things that would not be insured under a home insurance policy. The following benefits could be very valuable should you need to claim:
- Course Fees should you fall sick or have an accident
- Computers, Laptops, Mobiles and other Gadgets
- Pedal Cycles
- Photographic Equipment
- Musical Instruments
Secondly a claim on a student policy will not affect the no claims bonus that has built up on a parents home insurance policy.
Lastly the excess that needs to be covered can be a lot lower than on a home insurance policy.
The Basic Questions
What level of cover do you need?
if you are living at home, you may not need to cover the risks of a theft from your home - as long as the property has both building and contents insurance. What you might want to insure are items of value like your phone and pc as well as covering the costs of your fees should you fall ill or have an accident..
What special items might you want to cover with student insurance?
Bicycles, musical instruments sports equipment and gadgets such as tablets, phones or a laptop are all popular items to be insured. You are able to customise most policies to cover these items.
Compare Living at Home Student Insurance
Cover4insurance Essentials Insurance
Cover4insurance are a major force in student insurance generally but have developed their Essentials policy which is designed specifically for those living at home.
- Pick and Mix menu so you can design the right policy for you.
- Modest excesses
- No age limit on mobiles or gadgets on the essentials policy - but you should cover the item to the cost of replacing as new
- Excess protection on offer
Cover4insurance can also cover international students. This insures tuition fees of up to £20,000 and repatriation cover.
The Insurance Emporium Student Insurance
The Insurance Emporium student possessions product continues to develop.
- Pick 'n' Mix options offers ability to individually tailor policies
- Online discounts available
Tuition fees can be covered if you are unable to continue your course due to your own or a relative's illness or redundancy.
Cover the cost of replacing library books or other university equipment with the College Property on Loan option.
Other Options
All the major banks offer student policies, and extensions from some home insurance policies are also available. Do note that your home insurance may have a much higher excess than specialist student insurance.
Standalone Gadget Cover
Are you just looking to cover some of your computer equipment or high value items?
We compare gadget insurance options for students so you can find a policy that fits with what you want.
Individual insurers will present you with more details but our concise guide is designed to will help you spot the most likely policies that should be on your short list.. Do read all the policy documents fully as well so you know what you will and will not be covered for and understand any exclusions that might apply - all policies have them!
- Tailor your policy to your personal needs.
- Items you can include:
- Laptops & mobile phones (no age limit for gadgets)
- Bikes
- Musical Instruments
- Tuition fees
- Dedicated phone line 0844 826 2044 (Quote MAXI)

The Insurance Emporium
- Pick 'N' Mix policies.
- Excess for mobile phones from £25.
- Optional cover: laptops, gadgets and mobile phone (up to three years old), personal belongings and valuables, bicycles, musical equipment, personal accident and assault or mugging.
- Buy online for best prices.