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Car Hire in Austria

Great car hire deals from all over Austria, with one quote to help you get around and make the most of your trip.

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What we need you to agree to before proceeding
  1. That you will confirm the details with any broker or insurer, checking the car hire and any insurance policy to ensure it meets your needs
  2. Confirm you understand that car hire excess insurance policies must be taken out in the lead drivers name and might have specific terms and conditions which could affect eligibility
  3. Agree that you have read and are happy with our terms and conditions, privacy policy and initial disclosure document
Austria Car Hire

Austria is growing in popularity as a holiday destination due to the beautiful architecture such as the Hofburg Imperial Palace and natural sights like the Alps ideal for activity based holidays such as hiking and skiing. One of the most popular things to do when in Austria is to retrace the steps of the famous Von Trapp family from The Sound of Music. There are many organised tours available. The easiest way to get around the country to ensure nothing is missed on your trip to Austria is to rent a car and use the fast Autobahns - their motorways.

Bear in mind that you will need to purchase a vignette (toll sticker) to be able to use most main roads. These can be purchased at most service stations and at shops near the border. The vignette should then be displayed in your windscreen. Vignettes can be purchased to cover different lengths of time.

Getting around Austria using a car is simple due to the well maintained roads, good quality signs and the quality of driving. So MoneyMaxim can help you find the best car hire to suit your needs and at the best price. All done hassle free to help your holiday run as smoothly as possible..