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Car Hire in Germany

Compare and save on German Car hire using our comparison service - with car hire excess insurance prices automatically presented alongside your car rental prices you can make big savings on your car rental. Enter your required location above.

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What we need you to agree to before proceeding
  1. That you will confirm the details with any broker or insurer, checking the car hire and any insurance policy to ensure it meets your needs
  2. Confirm you understand that car hire excess insurance policies must be taken out in the lead drivers name and might have specific terms and conditions which could affect eligibility
  3. Agree that you have read and are happy with our terms and conditions, privacy policy and initial disclosure document

We offer car hire in hundreds of locations across Germany. Using our service we will ask for the best prices from both car hire companies and car hire insurance providers to make sure you get the best deal.

Just pop your required location and dates into our search engine above and you will be off and running.

When renting a car in Germany it's good to be aware that, whilst a warning triangle is not a legal requirement, it is expected that you will be able to warn other road users about your situation if you breakdown - German residents are required to carry one - so all in all it's highly recommended. Please check with your car rental company that there is one in the vehicle before leaving the car park.

Should you be unfortunate enough to pick up a fine and are unable to pay it, your car can be confiscated. Motorists can be fined for speeding, becoming abusive, making rude or derogatory signs and even running out of petrol on a motorway.

If you bring a GPS based navigation system to use in your hire car which has maps indicating the location of fixed speed cameras you must have the ‘fixed speed camera PoI (Points of Interest)’ function deactivated. Should you be unable to deactivate this function the GPS system must not be carried.

The use of radar detectors is prohibited in Germany.

Winter rules - you must ensure your car is adapted for weather conditions - in winter this normally means winter or all year tyres, and snow chains may be required if the weather conditions dictate - seek guidance from your car hire company.

For more help in finding a great car rental deal in Germany give our friendly team a call.