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Car Hire in Moldova

Compare and find cheap car hire in Moldova with MoneyMaxim

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What we need you to agree to before proceeding
  1. That you will confirm the details with any broker or insurer, checking the car hire and any insurance policy to ensure it meets your needs
  2. Confirm you understand that car hire excess insurance policies must be taken out in the lead drivers name and might have specific terms and conditions which could affect eligibility
  3. Agree that you have read and are happy with our terms and conditions, privacy policy and initial disclosure document
moldova milestii mici wine cellars

An international driving permit is not normally required for hiring a car in Moldova.

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office warn to be careful if travelling into the disputed/independent Transnistria region.

Dipped headlights should be used at all times between 1 November and 31 March.

Moldova is famous for its superb wines. The Milestii Mici winery has the largest wine cellars in the world. According to the World Health Organisation, Moldova has one of the highest alcohol intakes per person in the world. This may be one of the reasons for the zero alcohol limit for drivers.

There is limited car hire available in Moldova and it isn't the most competitive marketplace in the world. Larger and luxury cars may be hard to track down but there's a good selection of smaller cars.

Car hire tends to come with full insurances and, certainly by European standards, relatively low excesses. That may leave you responsible for the first €300 or so and you will also find easily damaged items like tyres, windows and the underside of the car won't be covered.

Though Moldova is not a member state of the European Union, it is normally considered a European country within territorial limits of car hire insurance policies so you can normally select "Europe" rather than "Worldwide" when searching for car hire insurance on the MoneyMaxim car hire insurance comparison service. Do check the policy wording however.

Locations in Moldova